Questionnaire for the Public on Welfare Legislation
Questionnaire for welfare legislation of Child Marriage(Malayalam)
Questionnaire for Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act,2012(Malayalam)
Questionnaire of Mental Health Care Act,2017 (Malayalam)
ചോദ്യാവലി- ബാല നീതി നിയമം 2015 (മലയാളം)
ചോദ്യാവലി- ബാലവേല(നിരോധനവും നിയന്ത്രണവും) നിയമം 1986
കേരളത്തിലെ കുടിയേറ്റ തൊഴിലാളികളുടെ ക്ഷേമനിയമങ്ങള് സംബന്ധിച്ച ചോദ്യാവലി
Administrative Reforms Commission has decided to study the operationalization of selected legislations introduced by Government aiming the welfare of Women, Senior Citizen, Children, Differently Abled and Migrant Labour. It is proposed to look into key concerns in the above areas and implementation of laws and the shortcomings, if any in the welfare measures taken by the Authorities. A questionnaire prepared by the Commission seeking the views of the public is attached herewith. Commission intends to get the views of the public urgently.
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Review of welfare legislation for Migrant Workers in Kerala- Questionnaire
Questionnaire for the Public in respect of laws pertaining to women
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDV) Act, Dowry prohibition Act and Equal Remuneration Act
1. Why do you think gender discrimination/violence exists despite laws?
2. Is there any specific way in which you see gender inequality being manifested very sharply?
3. What do you think needs to be done to make the laws for women more effective?
4. Is it in interpretation or its provisions that the laws need changes?
5. Do you think a man has the right to beat his wife/live- in partner?
6. Is all the household work, care for children and elderly, the sole responsibility of the wife/live-in partner?
7. Do you think it is right for a man and his family to demand dowry from the girl’s family?
8. Do you think violence against women is increasing?
9. From your experience have you come across women misusing the PWDV Act or Dowry Prohibition Act by filing fake cases of violence perpetrated by husband or family members?
10. Why do women on average get paid less than men?
11. Do you feel there is gender stereotyping of jobs ?
12. If so, do you think it is right; if not why?
13. In what ways can we strengthen the implementation of the Equal Remuneration Act1976 which provides for equal remuneration to men and women for same work or work of similar nature?
On Sexual Harassment in the workplace
1. Are you aware of the Sexual Harassment of women in the workplace (prohibition) Act 2013?
2. Does your office have an Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)? Or a district Local Complaint Committee (LCC)?
3. When women enter a field which was branded as “man’s job” like driver, Conductor,Police etc. it is mandatory to give necessary facilities taking into considerations the biological needs of women. Do you agree with this?
4. Also when women enter “Man’s world” the attitude of the society about the traditional role of women should change. Do you agree?
5. What action has been taken by your employer to implement this Act in your office?
6. What are all the methodology to change the attitude of society regarding the traditional female roles?
7. Do you know that the latest incident of the harassment of an actress in Kerala, comes under “Sexual Harassment of women in Workplace (prohibition) Act 2013?
8. Are you aware that showing sexually tinted photographs to the woman co-worker, or talking sexually tinted words come under “Sexual harassment” ?
9. Are you a member of an ICC or LCC?
10. Even when there is no complaint, does your ICC meet every month?
11. Is there any campaign being done in your office? Do your office have the posters displayed regarding the consequences of Sexual harassment towards a woman colleague? Or have you seen it in any public space like PHC, Police Station, Super market, Schools etc.?
12. Is the presiding officer in your ICC is gender sensitive? Has she received any gender training?
13. Do you know why you should complain? Also not to go for conciliation?
14. Do you think that women’s dressing, overtime or late night, or her mobility and behaviour is the reason for the sexual harassment towards her?
15. Do you think that the behaviour of police towards the public, especially women is satisfactory?
Immoral Trafficking Act
1. Is there any shelter home/s in your area for the sex-trafficking victims?
2. Is it under the Government? LSG? Or an NGO?
3. What measures taken in the tourist centres in this regard?
4. Do you think that the police department has to be conscientised ?
5. In the immoral trafficking cases do you think it is better if the woman police takes the statement?
6. “The cases under immoral trafficking can be better handled by the woman police station’'. Do you agree?
7. What do you think is the role of the public to stop sex-trafficking?
8. What all facilities should be provided in a “home” where the victim is made to stay?
9. How media can help in campaigning against immoral trafficking?
10. Do you think that the reason for the increasing cases of sex-trafficking is due to the social media development?
11. How do you think that the social media can be used positively?
12. What is the role of media in developing a healthy gender relations?
13. Do you think that proper sex-education helps in controlling the sexual abuse cases among adolescents?
14. What is your opinion about the treatment of police and public towards Transgender and LGBTQ?
15. Do you think that a transgender policy will make changes in their condition?
16. Keeping all Acts in mind, we would like your suggestions on how to bring about a more gender conscious society, an inclusive and barrier free environment?
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act 2007 come into force in Kerala for the protection and Well being of Old Persons in our state.
1. Have you come across any elders who face problems in their family?
2. If yes, what type of problems are they facing?
3. Have anybody approached you with any problems with their children or with other family members?
4. Have you suggested any means to solve their problems; if yes, what suggestion have you given to them?
5. If you or any of your associates confront with a problem in their family, how will you deal with it?
6. Whom will you approach to solve the problem first?
7. Do you know about the functioning of a Maintenance Tribunal under the control of the State Government; if yes, how did you come to know about it?
8. Do you know the provisions under this tribunal?
9. Have you confronted any problem while approaching to file complaint with the authority; if yes, what are they?
10. Are you satisfied with the functioning of the tribunal, if not what kind of problems have you faced?
11. What can you suggest to improve the functioning of the tribunal?
The Prohibition Of Child Marriage Act, 2006
Conducting marriage of male persons below 21 years and female persons below 18 years is against law.
1. Have you been aware of any incident of child marriage in Kerala?
2. Is it boys or girls who are more forced to undergo child marriage?
3. Which is the authority to register complaint if an incident of child marriage occurs?
4. How will child marriage affect the life of thus married children?
5. Considering girls, children of which age group undergo marriage more? ( 5-8,8-12,12-15,15-18)
6. Considering boys, children of which age group undergo marriage more? ( 5-8,8-12, 12-15, 15-18, 18-21)
7. What are the likely reasons and circumstances under which child marriages occur?
8. As known by you, how can a proposed child marriage be legally prevented?
9. Have you aware that petition can be filed before a court for the cancellation of child marriage?
10.Do you know that in case of invalidation of child marriage, the female contracting party has the right of claiming maintenance and residence?
Questionnaire for Protection of Children from Social Offences Act,2012
1.Do you know there exists an Act to curb the social abuses against children viz Protection of Children from Sexual offences Act 2012 (POSCS Act) ? Are you aware of the provisions of the above Act ?
2.Considering the growing instances Sexual abuse against children in the State, what are the steps that can be carried out by the State to arrest the issue?
The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015
1. Who is a child in conflict with law?
2. Can children be imprisoned in jail if proved guilty?
3. What is the semi judicial system to present an abandoned child?
4. What is foster care?
5. What is the procedure of registration to adopt a child?
6. Are you aware of the punishment under the Juvenile justice Act for publishing photos, videos and other information enabling identification of children in the media?
7. Are you aware of crimes against children for which cases can be registered under Juvenile Justice Act?
8. Do you think that the scheme for providing financial help (sponsorship) to children who are poor and require care and protection is effective?
9. Are you aware about the institutions that exist to deal with the children in conflict with law?
10.What do you know about District Child protection Unit?
11. Are you aware of the institutions that exist for children in need of special care and protection?
12.Are you aware which court in each district have the power to give children in adoption?
Child Labour
1. Do you know what is meant by Child Labour?
2. Do you know what is meant by Adolescent Labour?
3. Have you noticed any case of Child Labour and Adolescent Labour in Kerala?
4. Are you aware of what are the legal and non-legal ways to release children from child labour and adolescent Labour? What are they?
5. Do you know which Government Department has the responsibility to release children from child labour and Adolescent Labour?
6. Where should a child be presented to release him/her from child labour or adolescent labour?
7. Do you know that there is a fund called 'Child and Adolescent Rehabilitation Fund'?
8. Do you know clearly if anybody has received the above fund?
9. Have you noticed any inspections conducted by Labour Department and Police Department to stop child and adolescent labour?
10.Has any case of settlement of Child or Adolescent labour before the District Collector come to your notice? Can you provide details?
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