3rd Kerala ARC
The third Committee came into being in May 1997, with E. K. Nayanar, who was then Chief Minister, as its Chairman.
Constitution of the Committee
Chairman: Shri. E. K. Nayanar, Chief Minister of Kerala
Vice-Chairman: Shri. Varkala Radharishnan, Ex-Speaker, Kerala Legislative Assembly (from 2-6-97 to 31-1-98). Shri. V. J. Thankappan, Ex-Minister, Govt. of Kerala (from 15-4-98).
Members: Shri. K. V. Rabindran Nair, Chief Secretary to Govt. of Kerala (Retired). Dr. K. K. Subrahmanian, Hon. Fellow, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram. Shri. C. J. Joseph, Additional Secretary to Govt. of Kerala (Retired).
Member Secretary: Shri. S. M. Vijayanand, Secretary to Govt., Local Administration Department.
The terms of reference of the third Committee, as enunciated in Go (Ms) 7/97/P&ARD Dated, 26-5-1997 are the following
(i) To review the working of the Administrative Machinery in the State and the systems and procedures under which it functions with a view to assess their adequacy and suitability for a democratic Government in a welfare State responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people, in particular the backward and weaker sections of the society.
(ii) In the light of the above, to suggest measures calculated to improve the efficiency of the administrative machinery to enable it to cope with the developmental activities in a welfare State.
(iii) To suggest measures including changes in the heirarchial setup for the Co-ordination of the activities of the different Government departments and the Panchayat Raj and Nagarpalika Institutions and for the avoidance of overlapping in such activities.
(iv) To suggest measures for the further decentralisation of the power at various levels so as to ensure expeditious despatch of business in all public offices including local bodies and maximum satisfaction to the public.
(v) To suggest measures to eliminate delays, lethargy, corruption, and nepotism in the Administration and to make it result oriented.
(vi) To suggest measures to cut unnecessary and avoidable paper work and for using modern management techniques in administration.
(vii) Generally to make any other recommendation arising from the above matters or incidental to them or considered necessary or appropriate to the Committee. The Committee may make interim recommendations so that these can be processed and implemented by the Government as and when such recommendations are received.